Poultry Industry Rehabilitation Program

Background: Rehabilitation of the poultry industry was prioritized by the MTTICNVB as well as by the Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity (MALLFB) during the post disaster needs assessments.

The program is expected to create and sustain greater livelihood improvement opportunities. Given the successful tourism recovery efforts, this program is likely to create linkages by facilitating market access to the cruise tourism industry.


  1. Develop an independent and sustainable poultry industry through public-private partnerships investments
  2. Re-establish the national capacity to supply chicken products and egg to the local markets and the increasing cruise tourism exports
  3. Recover a minimum of 15 broiler contract growers farms damaged by cyclone Pam

The project is being implemented through a Poultry Industry Steering Committee (PISC) including government agencies from the Ministry of Tourism, Trades, Industry, Commerce & Ni-Vanuatu Business (MTTICNVB), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries, & Biosecurity (MALFFB), Department of Customs, Department of Strategic Policy Planning & Aid Coordination (DSPPAC), Department of External Trade, and private sector rep from the poultry sector Chiko Farms Ltd.