Meet the Team

Noel Kalo

Heard of Department, responsible for overall coordination and management of the programs and staff on daily basis under the Department.
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Keith Antfalo
Manager - Provincial Industry Development

Responsible to coordinating and supervise the industrial extension services and its officers within the provinces. Identify and or develop industry development priorities for each provinces. Ensures the department’s policies and programs are implemented throughout the provinces. Assist growers, producers in establishment of small-scale processing plants to promote value added products ready for export market.
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Lazarus Aising
Manager - Investment, Manufacturing Standards, & Creative Industries

Responsible for coordinating and managing the manufacturing division to formulate policies, strategies, undertake baseline studies aimed at creating an environment that is conducive to growth within small and large scale manufacturing industries in Vanuatu.
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Judy R John
Acting Manager - Market Intelligence & Promotion

Responsible for coordinating and managing the Market Intelligence & Promotion division to develop, establish and maintain marketing and promotion strategies and activities for export to niche markets. 
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Betsy Charlie
Manager - Value Chain Research & Innovative

Responsible for coordinating and managing . 
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Karina Iavronlan Ngwango
Senior R&D Officer – Cosmetics

Responsible to coordinate all industry development programs and projects specifically relating to cosmetics, essential oils, flavours, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical products.
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What We Do

Our department consists of 5 divisions that are responsible for the following:


  • Planning and policy strengthening
  • Provides finance and administrative support 
  • Strengthen institutional capacity
  • Ensure effective workforce performance
  • Manage Department’s assets

Primary Industries Support Services

  • Coordinate and develop primary processing and value addition development programs
  • Formulate policies, strategies, programs to promote domestic industries and export development
  • Coordinate the Handicraft Sector Plan implementation
  • Coordinate the newly established handicraft market houses

Manufacturing Industries Support Services

  • Administration and Compliance of the Industrial permits and standards
  • Administration and Compliance of Import Duty Exemption
  • Administration and Compliance of Manufacturing Business Categories
  • Facilitate increase manufacturing activities for medium to large scale industries and value added Vanuatu made products
  • Coordinate the establishment and development of the Economic Development Zone programs in Vanuatu
  • Coordination of the implementation of value added projects

Marketing and Trade Promotion Support

  • Implement, monitor and review the implementation of the DoI Marketing Strategy 2018
  • Coordinate the 'Vanuatu Made' Brand project
  • Establish linkages between potential exporters with oversea buyers
  • Collaborate with other line-agencies to facilitate market access for rural producers
  • Maintain and update Department’s official website and social media online platforms
  • Produce marketing and promotional materials

Provincial Industries Extension Support Services

  • Provincial arms of the Department
  • Provide technical support to advance rural industries development
  • Facilitate establishments of cottage, small, medium to large scale manufacturing industries in the provinces
  • Ensuring potential SME’s are assisted in value adding business

Who We Are

The Department of Industry (DoI) is a newly established Government Agency (2011) under the Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Industry, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business mandated to promote, facilitate, and support the growth of sustainable and value added industry in Vanuatu and to provide for related matters.

Under the Industrial Development Act, the DoI issues Industrial Permits and Duty Exemptions to local manufacturers or any person operating an industrial undertaking and internationally traded services in Vanuatu. 

We work in accordance with our newly launched National Industrial Development Strategy (NIDS) 2018-2022 with the vision to shape the future of value addition in Vanuatu. This industrial strategy proposes 35 projects grouped under 9 overarching programmes: 

  • Programme 1: Smart Trade
  • Programme 2: Seamless Trade Administration
  • Programme 3: Smart Investment
  • Programme 4: Vanuatu as a Brand
  • Programme 5: Drive MSME
  • Programme 6: Develop and Retain Talent
  • Programme 7: Support Infrastructure
  • Programme 8: Ignite Innovation
  • Programme 9: Governance & Monitoring 

Our main office is located at Montfort Street, George Pompidou Area in Port Vila, with provincial branches in Santo, Malekula, and Tanna.

Director Jimmy Rantes leads the Department with 15 (and growing) Permanent staff under his leadership.

National Industrial Development Strategy Vision

To fully unlock Vanuatu’s capabilities to compete in niche markets with outstanding quality of products and services at premium prices in a sustainable and inclusive manner

Vision and Mission


The overall corporate vision of the Department of Industry is to be a leader in promoting and facilitating a more coherent domestic trade and Industrial Development policy that supports key productive primary sector development as an engine for investment, sustainable rural economic growth and employment creation.


To facilitate sustainable rural economic growth through active participation of domestic industries through continuous industrial promotion, development and marketing domestically by means of:

  • Encourage the establishment and diversification of local industries through primary processing/value addition among large and small-scale manufacturing and export industries.
  • Facilitate inter-island trade and marketing for rural commercial farmers and producer's organization to sell their produce/products.
  • Implementation of the strategies as indicated in the Export Development Strategy (EDS) which should assist our export to upscale our export performance
  • Disseminate marketing information and prices of commodities to local producers, manufacturers and potential export industries.